Best Basic Questions a Journalist Can Ask

In journalism, asking the right questions is crucial to uncovering the truth and crafting compelling stories. Whether you’re conducting an interview for a feature article or a news report, the quality of your questions can significantly impact the depth and clarity of your final piece. Here are some fundamental questions every journalist should have in their toolkit.

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

Starting with a general question like this helps break the ice and allows the interviewee to share their background. It provides context and can lead to unexpected, insightful details.

2. What happened?

This straightforward question is essential for news stories. It allows the subject to recount the events in their own words, providing a narrative foundation for your report.

3. How did that make you feel?

Understanding the emotional impact of an event or situation adds depth to your story. This question helps you capture the human side of your subject’s experience.

4. Why do you think this happened?

This question encourages the interviewee to provide their perspective on the causes and contributing factors of an event or issue. It often leads to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

5. What were you thinking when it happened?

Getting into the mind of your subject during key moments can reveal motivations and thought processes that add richness to your story.

6. Can you describe the scene?

Descriptive details bring a story to life. Asking this question helps you paint a vivid picture for your readers or viewers.

7. Who else was involved?

This question is critical for understanding the broader context of a story. It can lead to additional sources and perspectives that enhance your report.

8. What are the next steps?

This forward-looking question is important for stories that are ongoing. It provides insight into what may happen in the future and keeps your audience informed about developments.

9. How has this affected your life?

Exploring the personal impact of an event or issue adds a relatable element to your story, making it more engaging for your audience.

10. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Always end with this open-ended question. It gives the interviewee the opportunity to share any additional information or thoughts they feel are important but haven’t been covered.

11. Ask Your Videographer for Questions

If you have a videographer with you, always ask them if they have any questions. They may have a perspective or thought that you missed, contributing valuable insights and enhancing the overall quality of the interview. Teamwork is essential!

By integrating these questions into your interviews, you can ensure your stories are well-rounded and impactful. Happy interviewing!


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Best Basic Questions a Journalist Can Ask